
Parenting at its Finest

I work with a lot of mothers.  Some have full time jobs, but it seems like most are stay at home moms.  That's what happens when you seem to find yourself working in a community full of trophy wives.  Trophy wives go to the gym with full makeup on, spend their days working on their own appearance while their well paid nanny actually takes care of the children.  I am not saying that every stay at home mom is a trophy wife.  One of my sisters, in fact, is a hard working, stay at home mom.  She works in her three children's class rooms regularly, and now that they are all in school she is looking to get back into the working world.  That being said, mothering, I think, can be divided into two (very general, don't be ass hurt) categories.  The Push Present Mothers and the Parent Contest Mothers.

Push Present: n. A gift (usually of high quality) given to a mother by the father of a newborn baby.(urbandictionary.com)
There are mothers out there who think that Channel purses, expensive shoes, and plastic surgery are their deserving gift for producing a baby.  Since they destroy their body's bringing a little human into the world, they are under the impression that they should be compensated.  As if they didn't have a choice to have a baby or not.  As a woman, I would be ecstatic to get a piece of jewelry that I could pass to to my daughter, or even my son when he gets married, his wife has a baby, or he has a daughter of his own.  (It is quite trickier giving sons sentimental jewelery presents.)  I could even see myself having a boob "adjustment" after my last child.  But, in the end, if I have a child and start a family it wont be to get a new Carolina Herrera outfit.

Parent Contest.  Those annoying ass mothers that just know that they have the best children in the world.  They would do anything for their kids but know that they have the next Albert Einstein on their hands...  Boss Lady had a run in with one at a park.  Some how she got stuck in the vortex of psycho.  This mother informed Boss Lady that her son's name was Justin and his middle name, Credible.  Justin Credible.  Just inCredible.  Arrogant much?

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