I am an organizer. I like to play Tetris with items. She had me over to organize her closet and home office. She also cooked me food (told you, total mom away from mom) and made this awesome zucchini soup. Giant, not secret about myself, I don't cook, I have a very minimal amount of items I can make in the kitchen and have been okay with that. After eating the soup, I have decided that at some point I want to make it. I was very excited as she wrote the recipe down for me, then told her how I have now cooked to hamburgers for myself. At which point I began questioning her if I am always supposed to have fluid in the pan when I cook. For example, the first time I made a burger I threw some of the wine I was drinking in the pan. I've seen people do that on cooking shows. The second time I made a burger I had consumed all of my wine, so in a panic I dumped some extra virgin olive oil into the pan. I had to ask her the same question about six times because she kept getting distracted. When I finally got her attention, I realized that it is a blender that you are always supposed to have some sort of fluid in so you don't ruin it, but yes, it is a good idea to have something in your pan too. I'm still skeptical, but I'll just make sure I don't drink all of the wine next time so I can just dump some wine on it.
When you have a digital office, and the websites you work off of are down, it is bullshit. We pay to use these sites so we can avoid paper use. What happens when the website is down and has been down for at least five hours of the working day? You know what happens, a long day tomorrow when the site is actually working again so we can catch up. Also, stop sending us email updates saying that the site is still down. No shit Sherlock. I periodically try logging in to find that it is still broken. Stop sending me unchanging updates and start fixing the damn problem.
Last week, I was too busy watching movies to actually blog about being bored.
First up, Monsters University. Boss Lady and I decided that we want to work for Pixar. After watching the bonus features, it seems like such an amazing company. Not that we are quite creative enough to actually work there, we could just stand and over see things. Problem solved.
It is an incredibly cute movie. It was well done. Billy Crystal as Mike couldn't be more perfect, just as John Goodman as Sulley is so perfectly. The mannerisms that the characters have match so well with each actor that I think makes it all so much more real.
My Biggest question, when Mike needs eye drops, he only needs one, so is it eye drop? Or is it something completely different given that the cyclops eye works like both human eyes put together, I am assuming. It is a Cyclorop? And what is his depth perception like? Now, multiple that by 2,000 and that is how my brain works while watching movies, especially cartoons where anything is possible.
Second up, Despicable Me. I loved it. I had seen bits and pieces here and there but never got to watch it from start to finish. Took me two days to get through it, but it was totally worth it. I love that the youngest girl is obsessed with unicorns, much like Pink. The boogie bots were excellent. And of course, who doesn't love the minions? Pretty sure I'm excited about seeing the second one as soon as Boss Lady buys it for her kids.
Names are interesting. When someone names their child, the reasons for eliminating some names crack me up but I totally understand them. Sometimes names are tarnished when a bad human has that name. For me, Veronica's have always been less than pleasant, I would never name a daughter Veronica. I would also never name a son the name of an ex boyfriend. My dad told me that he wanted a name for me that would be hard to make fun of. He only slightly succeeded due to a company and it's slogan being able to be tied up to my name. I just look back and laugh. I probably got made fun of for my name more than my speech impediment; no one even noticed that, they just noticed that I got pulled out of class.

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