
It Can't be a Prophecy

Apparently, putting your own name, birth date, and today's date as day of death of is not acceptable.  I did it.  Boss Lady did not like it at all.

Halloween riddles continued.  This week I decided to go with Halloween themed words.  As you can see, if you are figuring my riddles out, one of them is Grave Yard.  I chose to do a headstone and a yard stick.  My riddles were, apparently, a bit difficult last week.  I was trying to make them a little easier.  On the head stone I put my name, birth date, and today's date 10-22-13.  As Boss Lady was looking under my arm (she is about seven inches shorter), she said it was morbid that I chose my, "name, birth date, and today's date for the headstone."  I thought it was funny; everyone that solves the riddles knows me, knows which ones I make, and it was a way for me to date the creativity.  She said I had to at least change the date to yesterday because using today's date felt like a prophecy.  I promptly changed it and laughed the whole time.  Fair enough.

Spelling is also rough for me.  Yes, I went to school.  Yes, I love writing and English.  Yes, I have a dictionary.  Personally, the English language is ridiculous and when I spell words wrong, I improve them.  The riddles, though, spelling sometimes is important.  For example, Costume for this week.  I drew a price tag indicating the cost of something and a plume (Boss Lady's idea, I take no credit other than the drawing).  Knowing that costume does not have a P in it, I added -P after the plume.  If you don't know what a plume is, you might be the one in need of a dictionary
.  It took Boss Lady "editing" my drawings to remind me that the correct spelling is C-O-S-T-U-M-E, not C-O-S-T-L-U-M-E.  She added the L, to my -P = -PL.
Problem solved.

It's a good thing she accepts me the way I am and doesn't like the idea of me dying today...or anytime soon.  Good boss for sure.

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