Office candy is a curse. You know who actually eats the candy, the staff, NOT the people that pass through the office. For some reason, the candy was not actually put out until yesterday. It was sitting, hidden from non-employee sight, in the back office in pumpkin buckets waiting to be put out. I apparently missed the great candy hunt that happened last week. Boss Lady and Chaos were looking everywhere possible for the candy, even in the office plants. The Front Desk Chick finally pulled out the hidden candy for us to plow into. Anyway, once the candy was found it was consumed by us all and more had to be purchased.
The day care in the building takes kids around to trick-or-treat at lunch time. There is no way we would get away with not giving those darling humans in costumes candy. Down side, we now have so much more candy and will be eating it until Thanksgiving. (That was a lie. We will probably eat it for the next week then it will be gone.)
Note the photo. Front Desk Chick separated out the candy we don't like to the top to hand out to the kiddos first. This way, when we are stuck with ridiculous amounts of candy, it will be the crap we all want. Personally, hand out what I do like so I am not tempted to eat candy for the next week.

Post-its are the greatest invention.
Flash back to Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.
The zig-zag ones suck. I realize that they are meant for a dispenser. Unfortunately, we do not have dispensers and the office supply company sent us the zig-zag notes. Grabbing one is a pain in the arse now. It isn't worth the time or money sending them back to get the correct ones. I feel like we are going through them faster now because, we end up pulling two or three off in an attempt to get one.
When you get up in the morning, please refrain from dumping the entire bottle of perfume on yourself. You probably don't even know that you are doing it. You are so used to the smell that you keep putting it on until you can smell a slight hint of it. To the rest of the world, it is not a slight hint. It is like you have bathed in it.
Yesterday, a lady walked into our tiny office and I could smell her the second the door opened. Front Desk Chick was left trying to fan the smell away from her desk using files while we were laughing about it once she was gone. Boss Lady informed me that I seem to have a sensitive nose because it was not as offensive to her as it was me. Regardless, ladies and gentlemen, less is more with perfume. Thank you (not) for the headache and the running nose.
Yesterday, it took a while for me to realize that there was something stuck in my pants. In the past, I have washed clothes and ended up with a sock or pair of panties stuck in other pieces of clothing. When I realized that there was something stuck right above my right knee, I instantly thought it was a thong or a sock. Low and behold, it was a dryer sheet, which is much better and much less awkward than underpants. It also beats the time I showed up with a dryer sheet hanging out of my jacket while in collage.

Have you seen or heard of Veggie Tales? They are actually great stories and help with the moral compass. When your boss picks up her mail, that is chuck full of catalogs, on the way to the office, we end up spending our down time flipping through them all. In a Sur La Table catalog, Boss Lady found a manatee tea infuser that you hang off the edge of your cup. It immediately reminded me of Veggie Tales and I insisted we listen to my favorite Veggie Tales song. Barbara Manatee. It was a nice change of pace to sing a silly song from Larry.
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